
Fernando de Vicente de la Casa

Fernando de Vicente de la Casa

Schiller International University

Coordinator of the Executive Programme in Corporate Diplomacy and Public Affairs.




Fernando de Vicente de la Casa

  • Schiller International University
    • April 2013 – Present: Director UK Operations.
    • January 2014 – Present: Coordinator of the Executive Programme in Corporate Diplomacy and Public Affairs.
  • ACAP: May - July 2012
    • Evaluator and Member of the Social Sciences Commission I for the Quality Follow-Up of Undergraduate and Graduate Awards.
  • Nebrija Business School – Nebrija University: 2008 – 2012
    • July 2008 – July2012: Academic and Quality Manager and MBA Director.
      • Achievement of the Spanish Quality Agency (ANECA) approval of all Official Master Degrees from Nebrija Business School and Centro de Estudios Garrigues.
      • Design and implementation of the Quality Manual.
      • Design of the Business High Management Program and the MBA for Academic Year 2011-2012.
      • Design of the Global Leadership Program (GLP) for Academic Year 2012-2013.
      • Collaboration in the Spanish Quality Agency (ANECA) approval of the MBA of Caixanova Business School.
      • Development of the Knowledge Management System ofNebrijaBusinessSchool.
      • President of the Masters’ Business Plan Court: MBA, Executive MBA, Master in Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Master in Business Law, Master in Agro-alimentary Business Management.
    • July 2008 – September 2011: MBA Director.
  • Know How Group – Foundation for Management Development: 1997 - 2008
  • September 1999 – June 2008: Director of the Consulting Division specialized in Leadership and human resources.
      • Design and implementation of the Executive Development Programme.
      • Design and implementation of coaching, 360o feedback, performance assessment, labour climate and the EFQM model.
      • Design and implementation of postgraduate programmes.
  • September 2001 – August 2003: Director of Know How Group of Colleges.
      • Management of a network of eight training centers on labor, finance and marketing: marketing campaigns, advertising design, personnel selection, hiring, training, firing, accountancy, taxation, etc.; and coordination of regional delegates.
      • Responsible of relationships with foreign universities on management and financial issues.
  • September 1999 – August 2001: Academic Manager of KnowHowBusinessCollege.
      • Management and coordination of the teaching staff of a network of eight training centers, and training of that group of teachers.
      • Design of Quality Management Manuals.
      • Achievement of the Quality Assurance Agency (UK) approval of our training system.
      • Responsible of relationships with foreign universities on academic issues.
      • Design and implementation of the Bachelor of Arts in Marketing.
  • September 1997- August 1999: Academic Coordinator of KnowHowBusinessCollege.
      • Design of the teaching materials for the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (UniversityofWales).
      • Creation of annual reports of each centre.
      • Translation of materials from spanish to english and viceversa.
      • Coordination of the teaching implementation.
      • Organization of Congresses.
  • 1994 - 1996: Placement from July to September.
  • Other professional activities
  • From 2002: EFQM Model Evaluator
  • From 2002: Real State Agent (without exercise)
  • From 2000: Lawyer dealing with taxation and labour issues for Know How Group.
  • May 1998 – February 2004: Founder and Administrator of a hospitality business.
  • 1998-1999: Management of the academic side of Virtual Reality – Learners project, with the participation of several countries, funded by the European Union.





July 2011

Doctor in Law


Jan. 2006 – July 2007

Executive MBA


Oct. 1992 – June 1997

Degree in Law


Oct. 1992 – June 1997

Bachelor in Business Administration

Coventry University





May 2002

EFQM Model

Club Gestión de Calidad

Dic. 2000 – Dic. 2001

Real State Management


Sept. – Dic. 2000

Time Management

King’s Group

Sept. – Dic. 2000


King’s Group

May 1999 -  April 2000

Executive Development Programme

Foundation for Management Development

July 1996

Internet and web programming

Universidad de Navarra

July 1992

Financial Accounting






Dec. 2012 - Present


Human Resources Management, Behavioral Aspects, Industrial Psychology, Business Law


Human Resources Management, Organizational Behaviour, International Law

Schiller International University

Oct. 2011 – July 2012

Master in Business Law: Taxation System II

Nebrija Business School

Feb. 2009 – July 2012

MBA: Management Skills and Leadership Development

Nebrija Business School

Oct. 2008 – July 2012

Master in Business Law: Public Law

Nebrija Business School

Oct. 2008

Course on Management by Habits: Team Management Techniques

Nebrija Business School – élogos

Oct. 2005 – June 2007

Leadership Programme: Human Management of Human Resources

Universidad San Pablo – CEU

Sept. 2000 – June 2008

Negotiation and Sales

Freelance – in-company

Sept. 2000 – June 2008

Executive Development Programme (includes coaching)

Foundation for Management Development

January-March 2006

Real State Valuations

Grupo San Román

April 2005 – July 2005

Negotiation Techniques

Management by Objectives

Leadership and Motivation

Payroll and Social Security Management

How to organize effective meetings

Grupo Adams


Master for Executive Secretaries: Business Strategy Module


Abril 2001 – Oct. 2005

Bankrupcy active mass

Successful negotiation

How to organise effective meetings

How to speak in public with success


December 2001

Atenea Project: Module on How to negotiate with success

Watson Wyatt – IESE

Oct. 1997 – June 1999

Spanish Business Law I

Spanish Business Law II

Marketing (in english)

Management (in english)

Know How Business College






November 2005

Mentoring Event

Business experiences about mentoring

Complutense University

June 1998

Family Business Congress

Entrepreneurs in Spain

Know How Group

April 1998

UNIV Congress

The asian crisis

April 1997

UNIV Congress

TV, a public service?


A) Book chapters

· La crisis de identidad de la televisión pública, Sociedad multicultural: competencia y cooperación. Ed. ICU. Madrid, 1997.

B) Published articles

1) Taxation Law

· La concurrencia y articulación del Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Revista de Estudios Locales, no 108, 2008.

· La concurrencia y articulación del Impuesto sobre el Incremento de Valor de los Terrenos de Naturaleza Urbana con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Gaceta fiscal, no 274, 2008.

· La concurrencia y articulación del Impuesto sobre el Incremento de Valor de los Terrenos de Naturaleza Urbana con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Revista de Estudios Locales, no 109, 2008.

· La concurrencia y articulación del IBI con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Tribuna Fiscal: Revista Tributaria y Financiera, no 211, 2008.

· La concurrencia y articulación del Impuesto sobre Construcciones, Instalaciones y Obras con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Revista de Estudios Locales, no 110, 2008.

· La concurrencia y articulación del Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Información Fiscal, no 87, 2008.

· La concurrencia y articulación del Impuesto sobre Construcciones, Instalaciones y Obras con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Información Fiscal, no 88, 2008.

· La concurrencia y articulación del Impuesto sobre el Incremento de Valor de los Terrenos de Naturaleza Urbana con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Información Fiscal, no 89, 2008.

· La concurrencia y articulación del IBI con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Crónica Tributaria, no 131, 2009.

· La concurrencia y articulación del Impuesto sobre Construcciones, Instalaciones y Obras con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Crónica Tributaria, no 134, 2010.

· La concurrencia y articulación del Impuesto sobre el Incremento de Valor de los Terrenos de Naturaleza Urbana con otros tributos que recaen sobre el mismo objeto imponible, Crónica Tributaria, no 142, 2012.

· Los principios tributarios del art. 31.1 de la Constitución y la concurrencia de tributos, Información Fiscal, no 109, 2012.

· Los principios tributarios del art. 31.1 de la Constitución y la concurrencia de tributos, Gaceta Fiscal, no 318, 2012.

· Los principios tributarios del art. 31.1 de la Constitución y la concurrencia de tributos, Revista Técnica Tributaria,no 99, 2012.

· Los principios de capacidad económica y no confiscatoriedad como límite a la concurrencia de tributos, Crónica Tributaria,no 144, 2012.

· Los Tributos Autonómicos y la jurisprudencia constitucional, Revista Técnica Tributaria,no 110, 2015.

2) Business and training

· El nuevo liderazgo es generador de alto rendimiento, Tendencias21, Septiembre 2009.

· La efectividad de la formación de directivos, El Economista, 23-09-2010.

· La formación en tiempos de crisis, reto de las organizaciones, Tendencias21, Febrero 2011.

· La importancia de la formación de postgrado en la actual coyuntura, RRHH Digital, Febrero 2011.


· English, bilingual.

· German, basic.


· Windows, OFFICE, LOTUS, SPSS, ContaPlus, ContaWin, GoldenConta, Adobe applications, Corel applications.

· Internet navigation, e-mail applications, FTP software, HTML editors, web pages programming.

· Etc.


· Sports: swimming, horse riding, skiing, hiking

· Other: reading, travelling

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